Firefox OS: Mobilize Web Technologies

Alfredos-Panagiotis Damkalis (fredy)

Firefox OS
Mobilize Web Technologies

Firefox OS

Mozilla Manifesto:
We will build and deliver great consumer products that support the Manifesto's principles.
We will use the Mozilla assets (intellectual property such as copyrights and trademarks, infrastructure, funds, and reputation) to keep the Internet an open platform.

Firefox OS

Firefox OS is a new mobile operating system developed by Mozilla's Boot to Gecko (B2G) project.

Hype Cycle of Technologies

What is awesome with HTML5

It is turning to be an application platform
It is everywhere - no need to wait!
It is flexible
It has simple development environment

What is awesome with HTML5

It is turning to be an application platform
It is everywhere - no need to wait!
It is flexible
It has simple development environment

What is awesome with HTML5

It is turning to be an application platform
It is everywhere - no need to wait!
It is flexible
It has simple development environment

What is awesome with HTML5

It is turning to be an application platform
It is everywhere - no need to wait!
It is flexible
It has simple development environment

What holding us back?

  • Development driven by popularity...
  • Mobile revolution got us...
    • not so open web technologies
    • limited and slow access to hardware
  • Distribution platform
    • people get used to use app stores
  • Simulating HTML5

Guess... Who told this?

I think that the biggest mistake that we made as a company was betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native, because it just wasn't there.

Facebook Example

I think that the biggest mistake that we made as a company was betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native, because it just wasn't there.

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook Example

It's not that HTML5 is bad. I'm actually long-term really excited about it. And one of the things that's interesting is we have actually more people on a daily basis using mobile web Facebook that we have using our iOS or Android apps combined. So mobile web is a big thing for us.
But there's no doubt that, we went for this approach, we built this internal framework that we called Faceweb, which is basically this idea that we can take the infrastructure that we built out for pushing code everyday, not having to submit to an app store, building web code on the web stack that we have, and that we can translate that into mobile development. We just were never able to get the quality of it we wanted...

Facebook Example

Sencha delivers:

Firefox OS

  • Gonk
    • the linux kernel
    • userspace hardware abstraction layer (HAL)
  • Gecko
    • the known firefox render engine ported on Gonk
  • Gaia
    • the user interface of Firefox OS
    • Only html5, css and javascript

What else?

What else?

  • Firefox OS Addon Simulator - r2d2b2g
  • Developer Devices
  • Test on Android
  • Marketplace
  • Searching Apps

How can I contribute?

The Time is Now...

Think out of the Box...

Make the Web open and innovative!

Thank you!

Alfredos-Panagiotis Damkalis (fredy)